
TILP ( Transportes Insular La Palma – Insular Transport La Palma) is the official carrier for the buses in San Miguel de La Palma island.

There are 22 official and regulary Bus Lines and are officialy named by numbers from 2 to 500.

These are the most used for tourism:

Line N. Departure Destination Extimated Time
24 Los Llanos Puerto Naos ±25’
27 Los Llanos Puerto Tazacorte ±15’
100 S/C Palma Barlovento ±55’
110 Los Llanos Puntagorda ±55
200 S/C Palma Fuencaliente ±50’
201 S/C Palma Fuencaliente (alt) ±45’
210 Los Llanos Fuencaliente ±30’
300 S/C Palma Los Llanos ±45’
500 S/C Palma Aeropuerto ±30

TILP has changed on january 2019 routes numbers, has made a change in the main 300 route (not passing through La Breña village), split northern (100) and sourthen routes (200) and has changed some.

So please be sure to user official TILP bus timetable as the Google Maps or Moovit integration as not been updated so far.  (#€€ foto€##)

You can direclty download here Official TILP Time Table (PDF) (#€€ bitly€##)
